Unbelief and God's Perfect Law - Dec 22
Section 469 of the Criminal Code of Canada (CCC) contains a list of the most serious offences. These are not charges that anyone should minimize. They are included below:
469. Every court of criminal jurisdiction has jurisdiction to try an indictable offence other than
(a) an offence under any of the following sections:
(i) section 47 (treason),
(ii) section 49 (alarming Her Majesty),
(iii) section 51 (intimidating Parliament or a legislature),
(iv) section 53 (inciting to mutiny),
(v) section 61 (seditious offences),
(vi) section 74 (piracy),
(vii) section 75 (piratical acts), or
(viii) section 235 (murder)
God's Perfect Holiness and Man's Sin
The reality is that until we truly repent and turn our lives over to Jesus, we are very much in that category of s. 469 of the CCC. When we are in a state of unbelief, we are that person committing treason, alarming Her Majesty, intimidating Parliament, inciting to mutiny, committing seditious offences, piracy and murder. Understand this is not a case of 'just missing the mark'. It is a serious indictable offence against God to be found in a state of unbelief.
Salvation is by The Sacrificial Blood of Christ Alone
Furthermore it can be found no other way. Not by tithing or perfect church attendance. Not by works or by acts of charity. It is only by the blood and through the blood that a person can be saved from the horrors of hell. God does not joke around when it comes to sin. While God is a God of love, mercy and compassion - and praise Him for that! - God takes His laws, commandments and statutes seriously.
What Must I Do To Avoid Such Condemnation?
For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
(Romans 2:13)
More to the point, how can you know you're saved? Here are five points to consider.
- Have you laid your pride to rest? If I dare hear pride and self-sufficiency that person is not saved.
- Is there a clear distinction between the 'old you' and the 'new you'? If you're still behaving just as the way you were before I would seriously question your eternal destiny.
- Have you become wiser and more discerning? A sure sign of salvation is when you are 'locked in' to the mindset of God.
- Do you have a Biblical worldview or a secular one? More to the point, are you able to tell the difference?
- Are you kinder, gentler, more merciful and patient with those who constantly test us? A heart of love is a sign that you've been reborn.
Johnny Cash
Merry Christmas.
Dear Bernie,
Merry Christmas to you too sir! JC
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