Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saying Goodbye To A Furry Little Friend - Dec 30

There are many things that people go through that they would consider traumatic. One is being fired or getting laid off from your job. Another is moving. The loss of a loved one ranks right up there too. But there is another loss that many have a hard time with, and that is the loss of a pet. Last Friday night I had to make 'The Call' to the vet to have my cat Sylvie euthanized. This Saturday morning was when it was carried out. I sort of chickened out at the last minute and just left her there instead of seeing her very last moments but I didn't see the point in seeing her suffer. Tough job, being a vet. Seeing dogs and cats (and other animals) suffer every day is certainly not for the faint of heart. If I were a people doctor I don't think the suffering that I would see would have the same effect on my psyche as it would tending to animals. Strange. My Dad and I reckoned ol' Syl was close to 15 years old, which is the upper limit of a cat's life expectancy anyways. As she was senile and peeing all over the basement carpet it sort of brought everything into focus. My mother was the one who cried the most over Sylvie's passing and I admit I got a little misty-eyed over her as well. However, I know in my heart of hearts that I made the correct decision to end her life, a moment that every pet owner dreads. I'll see you on the flip-side Sylvie, may you rest in peace 'til we meet again.

With Love,
Johnny Cash


Anonymous said...

How about these furry friends to help cheer you up. Happy New Year JC all the best to your family and friends!

ba ba said...

Hey, im sorry to hear about your cat.

When i was 15 my favourite pet dog petra was put down, in most ways before her time but she had a bad tumor in her head. I was there at the end and I all but actually fainted with grief. Having a much loved pet die is a bit like having a child or younger sibling die, i imagine.


ba ba said...

In reply to your comment;

Sure! your under "Various anti-islam, nationalist and right wing links"


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Sylvie,Johnny. We had to put one of our pet dogs to rest this fall and I sympathize with you. It is a tough call and hard to deal with. Happy New Year. Brenda H.